Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've fallen... the face of the (blogging) universe! And the writing wagon for that matter.

I haven't written since I hit 50K. I haven't even opened up my ms. Blah. That's pretty bad. I'll get back into it (and I'll read all the millions of blogs you guys have been posting) soon. The weather in Cali right now is just too beautiful to stay inside. It's sunny, and hot, and just generally nice. It's a welcome change from the rain storms that plagued February.

Be back soon. April is supposed to bring showers, right?


  1. I totally know what you are talking about. I had fallen off the blogging wagon myself for a bit there. Enjoy the pretty weather out there in Cali! Good luck with the writing!

  2. Don't you dare apologize for enjoying nice weather -- over here in the corn belt, we attack any nice days we get (because they are usually followed by snow...).

  3. Oooh, I miss that perfect Cali weather. I don't blame you for enjoying the sun - it is good to get away from the computer every so often.

  4. Ah, now I'm jealous. If I lived in California I wouldn't be inside writing or reading blogs, either. I'd be outside on the beach or something. :)

    Taking a break is a good thing. I took a break after my first 50k on Monarch. And it really helped me bring my focus back. Good luck!

  5. Hope you continue to enjoy your break, the weather sounds perfect. I can't blame you for taking advantage of that, it would be a shame not to. I too have fallen off a few wagons myself lately...blogging, twittering, facebooking, emailing...ygtp. The break is much needed. The only thing is, the weather here in Texas is soooo finicky.

  6. Breaks are much needed. Enjoy and come back strong.

  7. Just stopping in to say "hi" and to check on you. I hope you're having fun while you're..."off the face of the (blogging)' universe! And the writing wagon for that matter." I'll see you when you return.
