Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've decided on one novel to focus on.

Yeah, that was fast.

I ended up not starting the high fantasy idea. It's a great world, and I plan to write the story someday, but I started the YA fantasy at midnight and it just pulled me in. I ended day one a little ahead of schedule, with almost 2K words.

I work today (Tuesday) until about 5 PM, but then I have the whole night and the next two days off to write write write.

If you're NaNo-ing, you can find my profile here. Feel free to add me!

Hope you writing projects are going well, NaNo or not.


  1. Congrats on going over 2,000 words on the first day! I added you as a writing buddy (username Nickles) and good luck with your story idea!

  2. Some days I'm overwhelmed with book ideas. All I can do is write down the premise and keep going on the current book. I can't imagine trying to write more than one book at a time.

    Congrats on the word count so far. Way to go! (Hugs)Indigo

  3. Congrats! Sounds like that idea was just calling your name. :)

    Good luck!

  4. Good for you. I do better focusing on one project as well.
